Training to guide you to exam successOnline multimedia learning resource for Certificate, Diploma, Regulated Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications and for your ongoing CPD needs. With our broad and comprehensive range of courses, learning support products, assessments and carefully researched ‘expected solutions’ - not to mention our extensive library of topical and relevant CPD material in our accredited CPD system around which you can plan and record your CPD activities - we are streets ahead of the rest. "In addition to detailed study of the course book and exam guides, I tended to go through each bank of wizard questions in turn until I achieved very high marks and then cemented this with the random question games. It gave the opportunity to practice repeatedly until I consistently obtained top marks. It was possible to work through questions in any spare 10 minutes." |
CII QualificationsCertificate (CF) | Diploma (J0) | Regulated Diploma (R0) | Advanced Diploma (AF)
CPD and diploma studies systemThe London Institute of Banking & FinanceCeMAP
Specialist Courses
We provide a broad range of online learning tools and solutions for finance exams, as well as online training to improve key skills. We constantly strive to provide good quality, well researched and up-to-date products and services that our customers demand - delivered in an innovative, easily accessible and user-friendly format.
Our online learning gives you to access your training whenever you like, wherever you like – first class learning support to suit the busiest of schedules.
Some exam names may be registered trademarks of the exam awarding bodies.