How to get the most benefit out of using an assessment package

Posted Nov 20, 2015

How to get the most benefit out of using an assessment package

For the regulated diploma exams R01 to R05 we offer two modules, an online course and an assessment package. Students will select the module or modules that best fit their requirements and budget.

The assessments are designed to help you revise, identify knowledge gaps for further study and to get practice on exam style questions for areas that you might be asked about in the exam.

Passing the exams are dependant on a number of factors that are down to the individual for example: being well prepared, understanding and being able to apply their knowledge and undertaking additional reading to provide a better understanding of the syllabus.

The best way to prepare for tough questions in the exam is being as prepared as possible so when unexpected questions do occur you have scored well in the remaining material so they don’t have an effect on whether you pass or fail.

With the 300 questions in our assessment packages they will take approximately 5 hours to complete, this only represents around 10% of the recommended study time and therefore should be viewed as assisting you with your studies and never as the sole reason for a pass or fail. Being able to pass the exam depends on how effective the other 90% of your studies are.

There is no quick and easy solution to passing any of the financial exams, you need to really understand the material and you should view the assessment questions as assisting with that aspect. No assessment package exists, regardless of the number of questions it contains, that on its own will guarantee you a pass by focusing only on assessments.

You also have to remember that the most value in taking the assessment questions is gained the first time you view the questions, repeat assessments and questions don't really add much value. Care must therefore be taken to ensure that by retaking assessments you don’t believe your knowledge is better than it actually is by scoring a high percentage for questions you have already seen.

We have put this together from dealing with questions from students over the years and we hope this guidance helps with exam preparation.

In order to assist students further and prepare for their studies and review how they study we offer with every module purchased FREE access to our Learning to Learn - learning skills courses.

See our Training Directory for information on all our modules and the cost of each module can be viewed here.


Wizard Learning Ltd

Provider of accredited online training and CPD system for financial advisers and financial services professionals.

We are committed to helping you gain higher level qualifications and maintain this knowledge through effective continuous professional development.

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